Writing about writing: Establishing sustained writing practices for part-time doctoral researchers 

Taryn Tavener-Smith is a full-time Lecturer at Buckinghamshire New University. She is in the fourth year of a part-time practice-based PhD in English Studies with the University of Stirling. Taryn’s research explores the portrayal of liminal identities in non-fiction life writing. Finding the time and space to write as a part-time doctoral researcher can feelContinue reading “Writing about writing: Establishing sustained writing practices for part-time doctoral researchers “

Studying part-time: enjoying the ride for a little bit longer

Beverley Jennings is doing a part-time PhD with the Institute of Education at the University of Reading whilst also working part-time as a secondary school English teacher. She can be found on twitter @bjm_teacher A common metaphor for PhD study is that it is a journey and for a long time this felt true forContinue reading “Studying part-time: enjoying the ride for a little bit longer”

Getting It Done (and rewarding yourself along the way)

Leona McQuaid is a second year part-time PhD Student and Occupational Therapy Lecturer at Glasgow Caledonian University. In my attempt to manage the demands of a part time PhD alongside a busy full time academic role, I have developed a form of self-bargaining; I call it transactional thinking. This is where I set mini goalsContinue reading “Getting It Done (and rewarding yourself along the way)”

Surveys take longer than you think! Or: taking your time has benefits for data collection

This post is from Sophie Payne-Gifford. Sophie is a social scientist at the University of Hertfordshire. She completed her PhD part-time from 2010-2016, mostly because she only won part-funding and had to keep her day job at NERC UKRI, a great job which had its definite advantages. She tweets at @GiffordPayne on food, environment, agricultureContinue reading “Surveys take longer than you think! Or: taking your time has benefits for data collection”

Lessons for life

This post is from Jon Rainford (@jonrainford), one of the editors of the blog. Jon completed his PhD part-time with Staffordshire University in 2019. He has studied part time in various forms for over 12 years. Having interests in the Sociology of Higher Education and having worked in varied roles in education, his doctoral researchContinue reading “Lessons for life”

Finding enjoyment in a PhD with time and space: switching from full-time to part-time

This post is from Laura Wilde. Laura is a part-time PhD student at Coventry University in the Centre for Intelligent Healthcare. Her thesis is exploring experiences of using apps and wearables for monitoring physical activity among people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). She is in her 4th year having completed 2 years full-time, aContinue reading “Finding enjoyment in a PhD with time and space: switching from full-time to part-time”

PhD by publication: because the whole is greater than the sum of the parts

This post from Karen Campbell (@KarencampbellWP) follows on from her previous post ‘What is a PhD by Publication?‘ In this post, Karen addresses the benefits and challenges of pursuing this route. Karen is an education researcher based at Glasgow Caledonian University. She completed her PhD by publication in May 2020. Why do a PhD byContinue reading “PhD by publication: because the whole is greater than the sum of the parts”

What is a PhD by publication?

This post is from Dr Karen Campbell (@karencampbellWP) . Karen is an education researcher based at Glasgow Caledonian University. She completed her PhD by publication in May 2020. She  blogs about her research on GCU’s Academic Development and Student Learning blog site. Karen has published widely in journals such as Higher Education Research & Development,Continue reading “What is a PhD by publication?”

Own Institution Doctoral Research: Evaluating total Immersion

This week’s post is from Sharon Inglis (@sharoninglis) a Senior Lecturer in Education, and course leader for FT and PT MA Education.  Her thesis investigated the expectations and experiences of part-time students in transition into taught postgraduate students, and the staff who taught them.  Her viva was in January 2020.  The student participants were herContinue reading “Own Institution Doctoral Research: Evaluating total Immersion”

Part-time PhD: portfolio approach to an academic career

This weeks post is re-published with permission from the Think Ahead team, and the author Melanie Lovatt (@melanie_lovatt). Originally posted on the Think Ahead blog. Back in 2010 I excitedly told friends and family that I had decided to do a part-time PhD. “Part-time?” repeated a relative sceptically. “Well, how long’s that going to takeContinue reading “Part-time PhD: portfolio approach to an academic career”

Part-time PhD at career end. Why did I do it to myself?

This weeks post is from Katherine Christian (@KatherineChri15) from Federation University Australia. Her research interests focus on Early Career Researchers in the Sciences and you can find out more on her website I did my PhD part time, and as a remote student with supervisors at the end of email and on regular video calls.Continue reading “Part-time PhD at career end. Why did I do it to myself?”

We want your stories too!

This blog is a collection of blog posts by a range of authors. They come from those who have completed or are undertaking part-time doctorates. Its content is therefore only as rich as the range of contributions. If you do not see yourself or people like you represented, we’d love to include a piece byContinue reading “We want your stories too!”